Multifaceted management support to encourage
committed entrepreneurs to grow their businesses
Multifaceted management
support to encourage
committed entrepreneurs
to grow their businesses

Not only does DIMENSION provide financial support through funding, we also aim to encourage significant business growth, based on the provision of our business growth knowledge and organizational development skills backed by our extensive IPO/M&A experience.

Since 2017 we are also publishing DIMENSION NOTE, featuring extensive interviews with noted entrepreneurs, who share their insights about business management. This is another way by which we share our growth strategies with the world and also provide input to our portfolio companies.


  • IPO 37 companies
  • M&A 62 companies

*As of December 2024
* Including the results of Dream Incubator Inc., the originator of DIMENSION.

  1. CASE1

    Support for formulating and implementing basic policy on business tie-up with major media company

  2. CASE2

    Support for acquiring responses from the Financial Services Agency regarding the gray zone elimination system

  3. CASE3

    Approaching and hiring CFO of listed company with experience in reviewing prerequisites for stock market listing and establishment of management accounting


Contributing to market activation
through support for SDGs
and business development
to market activation
through support for SDGs
and business development

The startups we fund and support are characterized by the following features:

  • Entrepreneurs and management teams that engage in management and business with serious commitment
  • Companies that have grown to reach a certain business scale and provide products and services that have the full support of society and customers
  • Companies providing new services that have the potential to become part of essential social infrastructure in the future

Rather than pursuing small IPOs and associated investment returns, our aim is to contribute to the SDGs and market activation by fostering entrepreneurs and socially significant businesses that will lead Japan in the future.



Building a society where people’s vision and commitment are rewarded


Always remembering mutual trust and respect


  1. 1. Moving forward with open communication

  2. 2. Always honest, sincere, and attentive

  3. 3. Execution leads to confidence

  4. 4. Self-evolution takes us further for longer on our journey

  5. 5. Just listen, imagine, and empathize

  6. 6. Where there is a straight will, there is a way

  7. 7. Creating customer value and profit


Towards the Implementation of DEI

In order to realize our vision, DIMENSION places great value in not simply investing in startups, but also providing multifaceted management support to grow the businesses and organizational structures of the startups we fund.

In order to create value from this multifaceted management support, we must be a DEI organization—one that brings together a diverse group of talents, where each individual’s unique characteristics are fully utilized and everyone works seamlessly together as a team to create value.

DIMENSION is committed to building a corporate organization that values DEI, and to creating a team in which DEI is an intrinsic part of everything we do as we work to realize our vision.

Recognize and value individuals’ diverse backgrounds and specialties
Identify opportunities to ensure that people can harness their individual skills and evolve in a way that is best for them
Always pressing forward with mutual respect as we all look to realize our shared vision

We will always continue to build this DEI organization through our own efforts, and provide support for the realization of DEI organizations that best fit each of the startups we fund.

Towards the Eradication of Harassment

Harassment is a human rights issue, and our company absolutely will not tolerate any harassment towards employees within our company or towards executives and staff of our investment targets and potential investment targets.
We will implement the following measures to eradicate harassment:

  • Developing policies that do not tolerate harassment or any form of discrimination
  • Demonstrating management's stance on eliminating harassment
  • Establishing and fairly operating a safe reporting and notification system
  • Education and training aimed at eradicating harassment and discrimination

Note: This content is in compliance with the JVCA Harassment Policy


  1. 2017
  1. 2017


    1. Launch of DIMENSION NOTE media to disseminate real-life management knowledge as shared by entrepreneurs

  2. 2019


    1. Formation of the domestic venture investment fund DIMENSION No. 1

      158 venture companies have been invested in and supported, of which 28 have gone on to achieve a stock market listing, eight of those on the First Section of the TSA and one on the U.S. Nasdaq market. With the establishment of the new DIMENSION fund, investment and development support is stepped up.

  3. 2020


    1. With LP investment from SME SUPPORT JAPAN, investment in promising venture companies is stepped up

      Establishment of YouTube DIMENSION Channel in June, to share tips directly from entrepreneurs seriously committed to business and management
      Holding in December of the “DIMENSION Conference 2020: On the Frontlines of Japan’s Startup Ecosystem,” bringing together institutional investors, companies, VC investors and entrepreneurs

  4. 2021


    1. MBO

      DIMENSION, Inc. conducts a management buyout (MBO) to become independent of Dream Incubator, Inc.

  5. 2022


    1. Formation of the domestic venture investment fund DIMENSION No. 2

      Establishment of second fund with LP investment from the Japan Investment Corporation (JIC) and founders of 11 listed companies. While increasing the size of the fund, a new system is established for entrepreneurs from listed entrepreneurs to assist up-and-coming entrepreneurs in promoting management, expanding the circle of business and trust.

* About Dream Incubator Inc., the originator of DIMENSION

  1. 2000 Established,
  2. 2002 Listed on Mothers exchange,
  3. 2005 Listed on First Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange


Company name
October 1, 2019 *Launch of activities
Business content
Venture Capital business Incubation business
5th floor, Azabudai Hills Garden Plaza B, 5-9-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo.
Fund name
DIMENSION Investment Limited Partnership DIMENSION 2nd Investment Limited Partnership
Takamitsu Miyaso Chief Executive Officer
Osamu Suzuki Director (former director of SHIFT Inc., CHRO of Mirrativ, Inc.)
Yoichi Wada External Director (former Representative Director and President of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.)
Haruhiko Kato -Former Commissioner of the National Tax Agency, former President and Chief Executive Officer of Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc. -Former Full-time Corporate Auditor of Toyota Motor Corporation
Technical and IP advisor
Mototaka Taneya -Senior Managing Executive Officer, Chief Technical Officer, Head of Next Innovation Group, Sharp Corporation -Chairman and Executive Director, SHARP IP Infinity Co., Ltd.
Advisory member
Daisuke Oshita (Attorney-at-law) -Experience in working at the Listing Examination Department of Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (self-regulatory corporation)
Legal counsel
AZX Law Office
VC member of the Japan Venture Capital Association (JVCA) Member of Japan Association of New Economy (JANE)



Directly linked to Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line Kamiyacho Station


5th floor, Azabudai Hills Garden Plaza B, 5-9-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001

Google Map

